We welcome into membership any person regardless of race, ethnic origin, or prior denominational affiliation whose faith for salvation is solely in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who testifies of the new birth and who has been baptized in water in light of the Lord's command in Matthew 28:18-19. The standards of congregational membership, in addition to the above, shall be:
Becoming a Member
Applications for membership are welcome at any time. Interested persons may submit a completed membership questionnaire to the appointed representative by requesting an appointment; or before or after a regularly scheduled church service; or by delivery to the church office in person or by mail. Review of the submitted questionnaire will be followed by an invitation for an orientation meeting with the pastor and/or an elder to clarify any details that may be pertinent to the new members) and to prepare for congregational affirmation of the new member during an upcoming worship service. Applicants that meet the membership requirements shall be publicly received in the congregation. On a Sunday soon after the pastoral orientation meeting, new members will be presented to the congregation for recognition and a prayer of blessing in honor of the Lord who adds to the church and sets members in the Body as it pleases Him. Those so received shall be added to the roster of active congregational members.
The Spiritual headship and governmental authority in the church is based in the biblical role and office of the pastor as the spiritual overseer of the flock. The pastor serves the Lord and leads the congregation under spiritual oversight of the Priesthood Church.
The distinctive purpose of the Board of Trustees and the Elders Council are in keeping with the Biblical purpose for pastoral oversight, insights, concerns and needs to the leadership of the church.
Spiritual Authority & Oversight / Board of Trustees & Elders Council
In both arenas of pastoral authority, other duly chosen officers participate actively in the administrative and spiritual decisions and responsibilities that are essential to the church's mission. The distinctive purpose of the Board of Trustees and the Elders Council and the procedures and duties of each are described in Sections 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 and 5.09. In keeping with the Biblical purpose for pastoral oversight, there shall be ample opportunity for members to present information, insights, concerns and needs to the leadership of the church.
The pastor's responsibility to prayerfully guide and direct the affairs of the church, with the assistance and advice of the elders is an authority given for the edification of the church. On occasion, special congregational meetings may be called at the discretion of the church body to be formally informed about a matter of substantial financial or legal consequence so that prayer and opinions of the membership may be sought. Although such congregational participation in major decisions does not constitute an office vote, it is expected that the trustees of the church will act in all circumstances with prayerful consideration and respect for the aggregate and individual views of the membership.
Governing Principles
The church's governing principles are theocratic in nature, enacted specifically through the church's apostolic oversight, pastoral leadership and plurality of organizational and spiritual lay leadership as outlined in Article V. The spiritual oversight and administration of the church is, therefore, the distinctive responsibility of these officers. The manner of decision-making shall reflect the principles of mutual respect, consensus building, teamwork and familial consideration of diverse views. Thus, two distinct forms of decision-making shall be observed within the Board of Trustees and the Council of the Elders.
First, and primarily, issues and pending decision shall be prayerfully acknowledged and evaluated by all participants with a view toward reaching a consensus on matters of consequence to the church. This consensus orientation is designed to reflect the core value of servant leadership the church embraces and to foster effective teamwork through creative thinking and spiritual wisdom in the work of God. Governing by prayerful, biblically informed consensus enables principles dissent and dialogue to proceed with the regard to the views of all participants until, by God's grace, a conclusion emerges that honors the contribution(s) of all participants in the decision making process. The prerogative of the Senior Pastor to initiate, moderate, delegate and direct in the decision making process is aimed at facilitating this consensus orientation while maintaining decisive, visionary leadership in the church.
A secondary track in decision-making shall be a formal request for vote either in the Board or the Council. Board of Trustees voting will, of necessity, be employed to authorize expenditure of funds for property, vehicle(s) or building improvements, upgrades or related projects involving over $500. A vote may be requested by any member of a board and a simple majority, fifty one percent (51% rule for voting will be followed. Voting may also be employed for any of the following purposes, if at least two (2) consecutive meetings of the Executive Board or the Elders Council are adjourned without a working consensus:
Discipline Principles
The governing principles for all church disciplinary steps are derived from the biblical admonitions found in the New Testament regarding the redemptive nature of spiritual authority. Examples include I Corinthians 3:1-10; Ephesians 4:15; Matthew 18:15-20; Galatians 6:1-2; II Timothy 4:1-5; I Corinthians 5:1-13; and Hebrews 13:17 and other passages. The specific application of these principles is a responsibility that must be exercised prayerfully and patiently in the fear of the Lord. Church discipline is not for the purpose of punishment and will not be administered as such. The purpose for any discipline or correction addressed to a church member is for the spiritual protection and strength of the church and for the restoration of any person whose conduct has been found to be sinful, heretical or divisive. Should it become necessary to remove a person from the membership of the church, the pastor and elders shall counsel together and shall, after prayerfully arriving at consensus, speak with one voice. Through church discipline, pastoral leaders seek to restore errant believers and to counsel those who are overcome by any sin that has hindered their ability to contribute positively to the church and to be an active servant of Christ in the world. Discipline also has the purpose of maintaining the purity and unity of the church in its local expression as a community of the redeemed representing the grace and the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ on this earth. The purpose of discipline in this church is never to humiliate or embarrass. However, one whose adamant rejection of pastoral entreaties forces the church to take disciplinary action may, in the process, be humbled or even embarrassed. But the purpose of the discipline, as well as the prayer and motive of the leadership is that discipline and correction will result in, first, the restoration of the one in error; second, the purifying of the church, and finally, the edification of the church for the glory of God.
Grievance and Conflict Resolution
In light of many Biblical principles and instructions for relational integrity, emotional wellness and congregational unity, it is imperative that church leaders and members share a commitment to the principles of grievance resolution set forth in Matthew 18:18-20; Luke 17:3-4; I Corinthians 1:10; II Corinthians 6:11-23; Galatians 6:1-2; Ephesians 4:15-16, 26-32; Philemon 10-14; James 3:13-18 and other passages. Members declare their affirmation of these principles in the Membership Questionnaire that is part of joining Priesthood Church. Through the specific application of these principles cannot be prescribed in all circumstances, the following steps are held to be an essential expression of the church's commitment to these goals:
Priesthood Church is opposed to homosexuality as being an alternative lifestyle. Additionally, this ministry holds that a homosexual lifestyle is contrary to God's Word and purpose for humanity. The Bible instructs that it is a sin that leads to death. Moreover, this ministry is instructed to love those living such lifestyles, while abhorring their sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says the following: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do Not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Homosexual Marriage :Priesthood Church does not perform homosexual marriages. It will not condone or recognize such marriages even if the state passes laws that provide for recognition of such unions. Members of the ministry are forbidden to practice homosexuality. Any member found to be in such sin and unrepentant shall be subject to dismissal.
Pastoral Staff
The pastoral staff shall consist of Senior Pastors (generally referred to herein as the pastor) and such other pastor, full or part-time, as the Senior Pastors and the elders jointly shall deem to be appropriate for the work of the ministry.
Senior Pastor(s).
The Senior Pastors as an under-shepherd responsible to Jesus Christ shall preach the Word and administer the ordinances of the church. He/She is called to feed and tend the flock as Christ's minister and, with the advice and assistance of the local elders, to direct the affairs of the church, leading to the congregation in worship, fellowship, service, and spiritual growth. The pastoral calling is to seek to ascertain the will of God for this particular church and to declare the vision and direction of the church. Pastoral ministry includes the goal of identifying, developing and training faithful servants of the Lord, both pastoral and lay leaders, to fulfill vital ministry roles in the church and in the community as they, in turn, inspire others to be trained for the work of the ministry. Pastoral vision sees all members as "ministers" and the church as God's chosen instrument for the developing and deploying of gifted servants to fulfill all the tasks that are vital to the church's impact for Christ. Thus the pastors of Priesthood Church oversees the efforts of the church to teach, train, equip and encourage every member to participate actively in various ministries and to exercise his or her gifts and talents for the glory of God. Areas of the Senior Pastor's responsibility include but are not limited to the following;
Associate Pastoral and Administrative Staff
When it is deemed necessary and profitable for the church's ministry for an Associate Pastor of any ministry specialty to be added to the Pastoral Staff, the Senior Pastors shall prayerfully seek for the appropriate candidate(s) to be considered by the Elders Council and the Board of Trustees for confirmation. The decision to extend a call to any candidate for a pastoral office shall be based upon the Senior Pastors' evaluation of the candidate's qualifications, calling and suitability for the staff role as defined in a Ministerial Job Description to be approved by consensus) prior to such call by the eldership and the Board of Trustees. A similar procedure shall be observed for other roles in which the church employs persons for salary and/or wages on a regular basis, whether full or part-time.
Staff members serve under the authority of the Senior Pastors and are accountable to him/her for their ministerial responsibilities, moral and ethical conduct and fulfillment of assigned duties. The Senior Pastors in consultation with the Elders Council may terminate a staff member's employment, with arrangements for timely notice and severance pay to be determined by the Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees & Executive Board
The legal, budgetary and fiduciary affairs of the church are governed and jointly determined by the Trustees or Executive Board of Priesthood Church. The Board is comprised of a president, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and may be increased by additional officers with specified duties. The total number of trustees at any given time shall not be less than three (3) or more than seven (7), including the president. The Trustees currently in office were selected by the pastor and confirmed on October 1, 2023. Additional and/or subsequent trustees shall be appointed by the pastor with the approval of a majority of the elders and after due notice is given
the congregation of a fifteen (15) day period during which written comments regarding trustee candidates may be submitted to the church office. Trustees will serve four year terms in the specific office for which each was designated by the Senior Pastor and approved by the Elders Council. A trustee may serve more than one-four year term of office. Trustees performance and conduct while serving on the board will be reviewed evaluated on an annual basis by the Senior Pastors. A trustee may be removed from office should the Senior Pastors or other Executive Board officer submit a written recommendation for such removal to the Elders Council, who shall determine by majority vote, including the vote of the Senior Pastor, whether removal is warranted. If it is determined that removal from the Board of Trustees is warranted, the trustee in question may appeal to the Elders Council within thirty (30) days in person or in writing. Otherwise, a disciplinary action or removal decision by vote of the Elders Council will be considered final.
Executive Board Presidency
The Senior Pastors will usually serve concurrently as pastors of the church and President of the Trustees. However, at the pastors request, with mutual consent among the trustees in any given term, another officer may serve as president for a two-year term and, with the consent of the pastor, such an alternative arrangement may be reevaluated and renewed for an additional term.
However, no officer other than the pastor shall serve as president for more than two (2) consecutive two-year terms. During a term in which an officer other than the pastor is serving as president, the pastor may elect to serve as vice president or may participate in Executive Board deliberations as an advisor with full voting rights.
Executive Board: Trustees Qualifications
Qualifications for any trustee Executive Board) office, in addition to the regular church membership requirements are as follows:
Executive Board: Policies
Elders: Selection and Term of Office
The elders of Priesthood Church are to be selected from the church membership in order to assist, advise, support and extend the shepherding ministry of the pastor. The first of these will be individual(s) identified by the Senior Pastor in consultation with the trustees and with due consideration for the views of the congregation, as they may be ascertained during a "congregational comment period of not less than fifteen (15) days for members to submit written responses regarding the elder candidates. Future elder selection will proceed in the same manner, with the pastor consulting with the incumbent elders as well as the trustees in the selection and setting in of new elders. Candidates for the ministry of elders, who meet the spiritual and practical qualifications cited below, will enter ordination training for a minimum of one (1) year. Upon completion of training and with the Senior Pastors recommendation, the candidate(s) name will be submitted to Worldwide Gospel Church Ministries Inc. for ordination. Elders) will serve the church and the church's ministry for Christ in the community. An evaluation/review of the elders) performance will be conducted on the annual basis by the Senior Pastors. Elders serve under the authority of the Senior Pastors and are accountable to him her for their leadership responsibilities, moral and ethical conduct and fulfillment of assigned duties. An elder may be removed from his leadership role by a two-thirds vote of the Elders Council. (Trustee Board or other designated council when no Elders Council exist) upon recommendation from the Senior Pastor in the event that he/she no longer meets the Biblical qualifications for eldership or is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of an elder.
Council of the Elders
Spiritual leadership in the church through a plurality of elders serving the Lord under pastoral authority is reflected on the apostolic pattern is linked to pastoral initiative in the development and recognition of elders in the local church. That is, as Timothy and Titus were called to establish eldership in Ephesus and Crete, so pastors today are to develop and recognize elders to further the work of equipping the saints and attending to their spiritual needs. Any number of elders may be called by God and recognized by the Senior Pastors and the incumbent elders. The Council of the Elders may vary in number as the church's needs and size changes and as qualified individuals are identified, trained and prepared to minster as elders. These appointed overseers shall act in an advisory capacity with the Senior Pastors in all matters pertaining to the church in its spiritual life and in the ministry of its ordinances. They are not a legislative body, but are to be actively and prayerfully involved in works and responsibilities that enable more and more people to receive the grace and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ personally.
Elders shall serve the Lord by making disciples of new believers, encouraging and developing spiritual gifts and ministries in the body, praying for the sick and extending the shepherding ministry of the Senior Pastors as well as co-laboring with him in the administrative and leadership endeavors that flow from the necessities of the organization. The elders are to perform and fulfill such other duties as may be delegated to them individually or corporately by these By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation or by the Senior Pastors. Some appointed from among the eldership may also fulfill duties related to the day-to-day business, physical operations and/or legal or financial functions of the church as a trustee. Although the trustees and the eldership are distinct and separate functions, an elder may, in some cases, serve in both roles. The Council of the Elders shall consist of the Senior Pastors and as many other members as have been duly chosen and confirmed as outlined above. The church believes that the role of an elder must be identified according to Biblical imperatives and that it is, therefore, not to be a set number at any particular point in time.
Elders Qualifications
The elders shall be individuals who are spiritually mature, easily recognized as being full of the Holy Spirit and proven in faithfulness in supporting, serving and strengthening the church and its other leaders. Elders shall meet and maintain the following conditions as prerequisites for their position in the church:
Licensed Ministers:
Rights and Authorities
The licensed minister shall have full right and authority to:
Lay Minister Certification
A lay minister's certificate may be issued to applicants who have a call of God into specialized area of local church ministry where certification is deemed necessary and appropriate.
The candidate must
Responsibilities and Authorities
The Selection and Responsibilities of Deacons and Deaconesses
The varied practical necessities of the church are contemporary examples of the reason the early church first recognized deacons from among the believers to assume specific responsibilities that are directly related to congregational needs and compassionate community outreach. A deacon/deaconess is a Christian brother or sister whose deep personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ informs and inspires him or her to perform acts of service that support and strengthen the church's capacity to care for people in a tangible and meaningful way. As a rule, the person who is best suited for the role of deacon or deaconess is one who seeks out opportunities to serve and to assist other servants in the church through labors of love that meet practical needs. The selection of deacons and deaconesses in Priesthood Church will be conducted in light of the pattern established in Acts 6:1-7 in which the role of the deacon was fashioned to address a specific pressing need in the life and fellowship of the congregation. As a result, the ministerial priorities of the apostolic leadership were clarified and the cause of Christ was advanced in the church and in its witness to the community.
As the Senior Pastors and the elders identify specific practical needs requiring faithful stewardship and regular attention, the congregation will be invited to submit names of men and/or women who, in the view of church members, meet the basic qualifications listen in I Timothy 3:8-12 and exhibit the following qualities:
Deacon/deaconess selection through a prayerful process initiated by the Senior Pastors and Elders Council shall be based upon clearly identified task/responsibility description(s). Prospective deacon/deaconess shall agree to assume the given responsibility for an unspecified period with the ministry task description subject to change in consultation with the Senior Pastors and the elders. Deacon/deaconesses, once selected and approved, will serve the church and the church's ministry for Christ in the community. An evaluation/review of the deacon/deaconess conduct and performance will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Senior Pastors.
The care, maintenance and upkeep of the church's buildings and grounds will be a key responsibility of the deacon team. One of the deacons will be designated by the Senior Pastor as the Maintenance Coordinator whose responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following:
Deacon and deaconess role may also be defined in part on the basis of the specific gifts, skills, talents or abilities in which the deacon or deaconess candidate has demonstrable competence and a sustained interest. Thus, a nominee for deacon or deaconess may often be a person whose particular gifting will help to shape the church's ministry to function in a specific ministry area (e.g. a deaconess specializing in signing for the deaf may be authorized by the leadership to enhance and facilitate opportunities for deaf persons to attend worship services and functions of the church). Names submitted by church members during a fifteen (15) day period will be prayerfully considered in light of these criteria and any specific church necessities that are relevant at the time. In light of the biblical injunction regarding prospective deacons that "these shall first be tested", prospective deacons shall be invited to interview with the pastor and one of the elders regarding his or her Christian testimony, gift orientation, commitment to the church and willingness to fulfill the specified deacon/deaconess tasks for which he or she is being considered.
Final selection of deacons and/or deaconess will be the result of prayerful, objective evaluation by the pastor and elders of each nominee's readiness to serve and the church's particular area of responsibility. The selected deacons and/or deaconesses will be blessed and commissioned for service through prayer and the laying on of hands by the pastors and the elders. There is no restriction hindering one individual from serving the church in dual offices (such as a trustee who is also a deacon/deaconess), provided that, if the person is married, such overlapping roles is acceptable to her or her spouse and that the spouse is an active member of Priesthood Church as well.
A deacon or deaconess may be removed from official duties by a two-thirds vote of the Elders Council (Trustee Board or other designated council when no Elders Council exist) upon recommendation from the Senior Pastors) if he or she becomes disqualified or is unable or unwilling to perform assigned deacon/deaconess duties.
A simple majority of the Trustee Board (including the Senior Pastor/ President) at an official Trustee Board meeting constitutes a quorum.
Accountability Board
The removal of the Senior Pastor/President shall be subject to this article. Until an Accountability Board is established, the removal of the Senior Pastor/President shall be accomplished By a simple majority vote of the board of directors (see Article VI Government). However, after the Accountability Board is established and confirmed by a vote of the Trustee Board, the power to remove the Senior Pastor President shall be placed entirely within the Accountability Board's authority. After the Accountability Board is established and confirmed by a vote of the Trustee Board it shall be subject to the following:
(1) There shall be an Accountability Board made up of no less than three (3) persons and no more than five (5), who shall serve without remuneration.
(2) The Accountability Board shall be made up of individuals nominated by the Senior Pastor/President of the corporation and confirmed by a simple majority of the Trustee Board after careful consideration.
(3) (I Timothy 3:16, 17; Acts 15). The Trustee Board shall consider the nominations and vote to have each nomination appointed.
The purpose of the Accountability Board is to:
The Accountability Board will determine if the Senior Pastor / President is guilty or innocent and whether to discipline or dismiss him from office. The Accountability Board is the only entity that has the authority to dismiss the Senior Pastor /President from his position it, after being called into session in accordance with the provisions of this Article and after considering all accusations against him; they determine that it is the best course of action for him and the church.
The decision of the Accountability Board is final.
Any Member of the Accountability Board may be replaced or removed at any time deemed necessary by request of the Senior Pastor/President and confirmation of the Trustee Board of the corporation, provided that it not be after the Accountability Board has been called to officially meet in accordance with Section 1 of this Article. The representative nominated by the Senior Pastor/President and confirmed by the Trustee Board shall chair the Accountability Board. Future vacancies shall be nominated by the Senior Pastor/President and confirmed by the Trustee Board. A record of the current and past Members of the Accountability Board shall be kept in a log under the custody of the official Board of Directors. The log shall clearly list the names of each member and the current chairman. Any successor Senior Pastor/President to the founding or current Senior Pastor/President shall keep the Accountability Board that was in existence at the time he became Senior Pastor/ President. He may, after a six-month period, make nominations for replacements of no more than one representative per year. When establishing any new Accountability Board member he must follow the procedure set forth in Section 1 of this Article.
Any action taken by the Accountability Board is valid by a unanimous vote.
The Accountability Board shall have no innate power or authority as a legal organizational entity, except that which is invested in them by these Bylaws. Their decisions, when called together in accordance with Section 7.01 of this Article, shall be final.
Ecclesiastical Authority
This church is theocratic in government. In any growing congregation, there will be people at all stages of spiritual growth and maturity. For that reason, it is not proper to submit the affairs of the church to a democratic vote, for the purpose of the church is not to do the will of the majority, but the will of God. Any disputes that arise over the interpretation of these Bylaws, doctrine, or matters of faith, shall be deferred to the highest ecclesiastical authority of this church. In this case it would be the Senior Pastor /President, with the advice of the Trustee Board. In Watson v. Jones, the court ruled that: "Whenever the questions of discipline, or of faith, of ecclesiastical rule, custom, or law have been decided by the highest church judicatory to which the matter has been carried, the legal tribunals must accept such decisions as final, and as binding on them.
Mutual Interest
The behavior of anyone in fellowship with this church is of common interest to the Trustee Board and congregation. (Gal. 6:1) This church requires every member of the Trustee Board and every congregant to adhere to a Lifestyle that is consistent with the doctrines of this church as taught in the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, this church reserves the right to refuse service to any individual that is not submitting their Lifestyle to this Scriptural mode of conduct. This refusal would include services, benefits and any use of church assets.
Prohibited Activities
This church is prohibited from engaging in activities which violate its written doctrines. This church is also prohibited from condoning, promoting or allowing any of its assets to be used for activities that violate its written doctrines.
Founder's Vision
In establishing effective leadership within church, the vision of the founding Senior Pastor/ President will be represented and carried out. It is the responsibility of the founding Senior Pastor/President to clearly articulate to the Trustee Board and the members of the congregation the vision and mission of the church. In the event of retirement, passing, removal, or incapacity of the Founding Senior Pastor/President, his successor shall carry on the vision and mission for the life of the Church.
Ministry Of Helps
To help ensure the protection, security and safety of congregants, guest and volunteers during church functions, this church recognizes the Ministry of Helps. The Trustee Board may establish teams and committees who are trained in the policy and procedures of the church to carry out this ministry.
Review of Church Records
Requests made by Congregant: To ensure the trust of the congregants and to also ensure that a public interest is being served, church records and basic financial information may be available for congregational inspection and review. Any questions by any congregant shall be addressed to the treasurer either in writing or by scheduled appointment.
Required Provisions of the Request: The request must state the name of the individual, the reason for the request and that the information shall in no way be made public or shared with any other congregant in a way that will jeopardize the church.
Required Fee: This corporation may require a reasonable per page fee for any copies that are required in order to accommodate approved records requests.
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